The COVID19 pandemic made many Americans rethink and recreate their daily routines and reprioritize their life. Many people spent months and even years separated from loved ones. Americans lost jobs and businesses closed. Remote work decoupled jobs and geography making many routines that were once commonplace now seem foreign. The great resignation or great exploration was quick to follow – with a record number of people leaving their jobs since the beginning of the pandemic. I mean – It seemed every month the ranks of the resigned grew. From January 2021 – February 2022 nearly 57 million Americans quit their jobs. With historically high savings rates and unprecedented government stimulus efforts home prices soared to the highest level on record as the US began experiencing a housing boom. Supply chain seemed to be constant conversation as supply for all types of goods have been impacted by the pandemic. With the biggest ticket item being cars. With high demand and low supply cars entered a boom of their own. Which wasn’t too surprising given US consumers had approximately $2.8 trillion more in savings in March of 2022 than they had in 2019. And you can’t forget the bubble of the investment and the bond markets – stocks. The stock market boomed. Stocks were at record valuations by almost every metric. The pandemic created an environment we had never seen before, it created an everything bubble – as inflation reaches a 40 year high and the Federal Reserve or “Fed” puts an end to market stimulating monetary policies and increases interest rates… it has us all wondering what might this be the “pin” that pops this everything bubble?
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