
Easier Account Updating is Now Here!

What’s new at MoneyWellth We’re always working on new features and improvements. New Features and improvements released today: Updated Dashboard Monthly Budget Card  We’ve enhanced the Budget Breakdown card on the Dashboard to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. The card indicates that it is focused on your Current Monthly Spend, allowing you to quickly Easier Account Updating is Now Here!

Updated Budget Breakdown Category Insights Are Here!

What’s new at MoneyWellth We’re always working on new features and improvements. New Features and improvements released today: Updated Budget Breakdown Category Insights  We’ve updated the Budget Breakdown chart on individual category pages for improved readability. This enhancement allows you to easily compare your actual spending to your budgeted amount within each category, providing valuable Updated Budget Breakdown Category Insights Are Here!

Easier Account Linking is Now Here!

What’s new at MoneyWellth We’re always working on new features and improvements. New Features and improvements released today: Easier Account Linking To simplify connecting all your financial accounts to MoneyWellth, we’ve enhanced the linking process. You can now add multiple accounts in one session. After adding an account, simply click “Link Another Account Now” to Easier Account Linking is Now Here!

Edit transactions rule, monthly budgeting updates and more!

MoneyWellth Product Release

What’s new at MoneyWellth We’re always working on new features and improvements. New Features and improvements released today:   Ability to Edit a Transaction Rule  Our budgeting features allow you to apply rules to transactions, enabling the app to learn your preferences and automatically categorize transactions accordingly. We understand that preferences can change over time, Edit transactions rule, monthly budgeting updates and more!

Recurring Transactions updates and more!

What’s new at MoneyWellth We’re always working on new features and improvements. New Features and improvements released today: Savings Goal Card Updated to Your Motivation Users set financial goals for various reasons—saving for a trip, paying off debt, buying a home, and more. What truly matters is identifying what motivates you financially. Therefore, we’ve renamed Recurring Transactions updates and more!