Financial stability isn't just about money—it impacts your physical well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life.

Addressing financial health is crucial not only for economic stability but also for maintaining and improving overall physical and mental well-being. Finances can have significant impacts on your overall health in various ways:

Stress and Mental Health

Stress and Mental Health

Financial stress is a leading cause of stress-related illnesses. Constant worry about money can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Nutrition and Diet

Nutrition and Diet

Financial limitations may restrict access to nutritious food options. Poor diet due to financial constraints can lead to nutritional deficiencies, obesity, and related health issues

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle Factors

Financial pressures can contribute to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive drinking, or lack of exercise, which are detrimental to overall health.

Quality of Life

Quality of Life

Financial stability generally correlates with a higher quality of life. Constant financial strain can diminish overall well-being and life satisfaction.

Chronic Health Conditions

Chronic Health Conditions

Long-term financial stress has been linked to the development or worsening of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension

Healthcare Choices

Financial constraints can limit access to healthcare services, medications, and preventive care. This can result in delayed treatment, exacerbation of health conditions, and poorer health outcomes.

Our Research

Our Research

At MoneyWellth, we are committed to understanding how financial well-being impacts overall health. Through our ongoing research and participant studies, we have gained valuable insights into the connections between financial stability, health outcomes, and quality of life. Our findings underscore the importance of financial literacy, planning, and access to resources in promoting better health.



At MoneyWellth, we believe that financial stability is integral to overall well-being.

As a primary care doctor, I see firsthand how stress from financial uncertainty can impact health. Our holistic approach integrates financial solutions with health education to empower individuals to achieve both financial security and optimal health outcomes.

Mental Health

Financial worries are a significant source of stress and anxiety. Our solution includes guided meditations and stress management practices tailored to alleviate anxiety, promote relaxation, and foster resilience in the face of financial uncertainty.

Mental Health


We understand that maintaining a healthy diet shouldn't be compromised by financial constraints. That's why we provide a range of nutritious and affordable recipes designed to support your well-being without breaking the bank. Our collection of budget-friendly meal ideas empowers you to cook delicious dishes at home, using accessible ingredients that are both wholesome and cost-effective.


Each recipe in the MoneyWellth application pairs with at least one money-saving practice:

Batch Cooking, or
                                    “Eat-conomies of Scale”

Batch Cooking, or
“Eat-conomies of Scale”

Buying in bulk and making a large amount of food at one time saves time and (potentially) money. Prep on one day, and eat for multiple days.

Under 6 Ingredients

Under 6 Ingredients

Buying in bulk and making a large amount of food at one time saves time and (potentially) money. Prep on one day, and eat for multiple days.

Time is Money

Time is Money

Quick recipes don’t cost you much time to prepare, so an affordable, healthy meal can be ready just as quickly as more expensive, less healthy, prepared food.

Shop the Sale

Shop the Sale

These versatile recipes allow you to substitute the ingredients that are called for in the recipe for what's on sale at the store.

Shop Seasonally

Shop Seasonally

Taking advantage of fresh ingredients that are in-season tend to be less expensive and more delicious.

Same Ingredients, Different Recipe

Same Ingredients, Different Recipe

Plan your meals around the ingredients you’re purchasing for the week. Common ingredients between recipes will reduce both food and money waste.