What’s new at MoneyWellth

We’re always working on new features and improvements and today’s release is one that we are all excited about. New Features and improvements released today:

Expanded View Options for Expense Breakdown Chart

We’ve extended the toggle buttons for the Expense Breakdown chart to more budget pages. Now, you can easily switch between viewing your expenses as a percentage of your income or as the amount of your budget spent, offering greater flexibility and insight.

Date of Birth Fields Now Required

The Birth Month and Birth Year fields are now required during the sign-up process to better tailor content to your needs. This helps us provide you with more relevant and personalized experiences.

MoneyWellth Welcome Email

We’re excited to enhance your onboarding experience! New users will now receive a personalized welcome email at their registered email address, providing a friendly introduction and helpful information to get started with MoneyWellth.

Transaction List Update

We’ve improved the transaction list display so that if no transactions are present for the past two months, your latest available transactions will be shown. This ensures you always have relevant data visible in your list view. 

Expense Breakdown Title Update

We’ve renamed the budget breakdown pages to include “Weekly” and “Monthly” in their titles to improve clarity. This change ensures you can quickly identify which time frame you’re viewing at a glance.


Bug Fixes

  • Email Sign-Up Fix: Corrected an issue with capital letters before the “@” symbol in email addresses.
  • Custom Category Pop-up: Corrected the pop-up displayed when creating a new custom category from the category list. 
  • Savings Target Fix: We’ve ensured that your savings target remains in sync, whether you enter it through the budget flow or within the Savings expense category. This update keeps your values consistent across both areas for a seamless budgeting experience.
  • DOB Field Correction: We’ve fixed an alignment issue with the Birth Month and Birth Year fields to ensure a smoother and more consistent user experience during the sign-up process. 
  • Expense Breakdown UI: Standardized text formatting to ensure consistency between the % of income and budget views.
  • Weekly Expense Breakdown on Web: Updated the transaction list UI for a clearer, improved experience.
  • Save Username on Web Login: This feature has been sunsetted from the login page.

Categories: MoneyWellth